
Learn How to Fire Your Inner Critic!

You have the power to choose how you stand out and prosper in the world. Now is the time to silence that recurring voice in your head that stands in the way of promoting your best possible self. Hold on to your power and do not give it away in disclaimers, apologies or inaction. Fire your inner critic and unleash the awesome you!

It is more critical than ever that you quiet the negative self-talk that can be the obstacle to a more certain future. Garner the respect, reputation, recognition, income and fulfillment that you deserve and have worked so hard to achieve. Learning how to recognize your inner critic when it shows up and implementing effective responses to combat the doubt it sows are essential to shaping the image of yourself that you want to present to the world.

Embrace Your Boldest and Best Self!
Our programs allow you to choose up to eight different modules to tackle your biggest roadblocks and unleash the awesome you.

• Stop Apologizing
• Silence Your Imposter Syndrome
• Leave Your Comfort Zone & Take Risks
• Change the Channel
• Build a Center of Influence
• Crush Your Fears
• Put an End to Limiting Language
• Be the CEO of the Brand Called YOU

Remember, you are the CEO and head marketer for the brand called YOU! Recognizing that we all move forward more freely without the roadblocks caused by self-doubt and negativity, we are pleased to offer three exclusive programs to help get your inner critic out of the driver’s seat and into the passenger’s seat.

Our Inner Critic Programs include:

1. One-on-One Personal Consulting.
This all-access program includes a deep dive into all modules for eight weeks. An immersive experience, this personalized plan includes eight weekly hour-long sessions and unlimited phone and email communication to hone your skills, build confidence and discover exactly what makes you YOU!

2. Choose Your Focus.
Completely customize your journey with a four- or eight-week program that allows you to choose up to three modules to address your biggest roadblocks. An intensive focus on the issues that stand in the way of your success will allow you to leave behind your inner critic impediments and move forward freely. Both program options include weekly hour-long sessions.

3. Peer Circle Group.
This unique offering creates a safe space for groups of three to ten people to learn tangible ways to develop their personal brand, stand out from the crowd, get actionable answers to questions, and share wins and challenges. With an emphasis on commonality and peer encouragement, you will explore all modules over the course of eight weekly 90-minute sessions to build a strong personal foundation and practice showcasing your brand in a supportive group setting.

Want to learn more about which program fits for you. Let’s talk. Call 484.431.7068 or email me today.

Simply click this link for a complete description of our Fire Your Inner Critic program and related costs.


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